Understanding Secularism’s Bias Against Traditional Values

New research published in the Academy of Management Journal purports to show that religion perpetuates the gender wage gap. This article claims that men tend to earn significantly more than women in societies with “heightened religiosity.” This worldwide survey found that nations where more than 95% of the people said…
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What’s So Bad about Drag Queens?

Are you familiar with the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSA)? It was founded by writer Michelle Tea with its stated purpose to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” The way it works is that drag queens (male performers who dress in women’s clothes and perform before an…
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Is the Church at Odds with Science and New Understandings of the Bible?

What? Seriously? Is the church at odds with science and new understandings of the Bible? Well, I suppose there are some churches that are at odds with science, and some that are at odds with new understandings of the Bible. But where in the world does a question like that…
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The Church’s Acceptance of Non-biblical Beliefs

The Church’s Acceptance of Non-biblical Beliefs Dr. Raphael Warnock has been the senior pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia since 2005. This is the church that was formerly pastored by Martin Luther King, Jr. But that is not all. He is now also a U.S. Senator from…
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