Social Science’s False Foundation

Will Gervais is a senior lecturer in psychology at Brunel University London. He and some of his colleagues conducted a study recently to assess “the degree to which people hold supernatural beliefs.” They were trying to measure how religion works in human societies. To conduct their research, they surveyed a…
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Modern Sex Ed

Justine Ang Fonte is a self described sex-positive educator. She has been responsible for developing sex education curriculum for students from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Some of her special trainings include such topics as pornography literacy and consent. Her stated goal is to teach healthy sexuality, and she does that…
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Trust the Kids and Don’t Tell the Parents

There is a movement in certain sectors to keep parents of school children from knowing what the kids are being taught, and hiding other kinds of things from them, as well. For instance, during the pandemic, kids were being taught online and there were some teachers who tried to prevent…
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Christian Values Cancelled

On his first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order that he claimed was designed to prevent “discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.” The gist of his order was to direct federal agencies to interpret the word sex to include gender identity and sexual…
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