A Christian Response to After School Satan Clubs

Yes, Satan Clubs are a real thing. They are the brainchild of The Satanic Temple and are meant as a push back against the Christian Good News Clubs that exist in about 5000 schools nationwide. Before going deeper with our discussion, though, we need to take a moment to understand…
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Research Says Religions Don’t Really Hate Queer and Trans People

It seems that the religious community has something new to look forward to. Melissa M. Wilcox is a religious studies professor that the University of California at Riverside. She is launching a new academic journal exploring the connections between religion, gender, and sexuality. QTR: A Journal of Queer and Transgender…
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Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church

The invasion by Russia on its neighbor, the Ukraine, has shocked the world, to say the least. Ordered by President Vladimir Putin, the invasion has demonstrated that he has little or no regard for human life. The Russian military has bombed, burned, and barraged Ukrainian cities killing thousands of Ukraine…
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Get Ready to Go to Jail

After being fast-tracked through the Canadian Parliament in December without extensive debate, Bill C-4 passed into law. It took actual effect on January 8. This law declared that the Christian beliefs that heterosexuality and cisgender identity (the belief that gender corresponds to one’s birth sex) are preferable, are “a myth.”…
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Russian Invasion of Ukraine- A Case of History Repeating Itself?

Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the often quoted statement: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  On November 11, 1918, World War I ended with the Armistice between the western allies and Germany. In June of the next year the Treaty of Versailles was…
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