Handling Severe Persecution

American Christians are increasingly being pressured to give up, or at least water down, their faith. For instance, during the pandemic, some states specifically targeted churches and forced them to close. Then there are the numerous cases where business owners have been brought to court and severely fined because they…
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SMH – Thanks, Captain Obvious

I recently came across an article in PsyPost about a study on religion. PsyPost is an independently-owned psychology and neuroscience news website dedicated to reporting the latest research on human behavior, cognition, and society. In this article, they reported on a study published in the Journal for the Scientific Study…
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There’s Something Weird, in the Universe, Who Ya Gonna Call?

The new generation of space telescopes (beginning primarily with the Hubble Space Telescope) were designed to do more than merely give astronomers a better view of the universe. There is some other very serious science packed into these babies. Of course, they have provided us with spectacular images that awe…
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Is Someone Trying to Kill Putin’s Spiritual Guru?

A few months ago I wrote a blog concerning the unholy alliance of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the piece I remarked that, during his rise to power in the early 2000s, Putin made a deal with the ROC leaders, primarily Moscow Patriarch Kirill…
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