How to Deal with Doubts about Faith

The Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) is a nonprofit organization affiliated with Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. They do research and create Christian resources geared specifically for teenagers and young adults. Their goal is to help churches better equip their youth, and help the young people themselves to be strengthened…
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When Justice is Racist

The controversy over “wokeness” has been a very prominent part of modern society throughout the last several years. In recent times, it emerged with a vengeance with the #MeToo movement. This really took off with the Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct scandal where women, at a grassroots level, began to push…
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You Really Think it Couldn’t Happen Here?

America’s next door neighbor, Canada, seems like it ought to be a free democratic country, pretty much like America. It might surprise you that it is not. When Canada was first colonized, there was a very strong Christian presence. Over the years, that Christian presence strengthened profoundly. As late as…
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The Prevalence of Martha Stewart Morality

I like Martha Stewart. Just from an outsiders perspective, she is attractive and seems nice. She is also, obviously, quite the talented entrepreneur, author, and television personality. Of course, she is not without her flaws. In 2004 she was convicted of insider trading of stocks and served five months in…
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When “Science” Is Not Science

In the Oxford dictionary, science is defined as “the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.” This definition has two parts: 1) the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the…
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The Macabre Redefinition of Healthcare

New Mexico governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham made the comment that her state is running an “Underground Railroad” to provide women with abortion services. During a speech in Virginia, she stated that 75% of abortions performed in New Mexico are from out-of-state patients – and 71% of those come from Texas…
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Progressives Do Not Understand Christianity

Salon is an American politically progressive and liberal news and opinion digital magazine. Because of their political slant, you can expect that anything they publish is going to be not only political, but will actively promote a politically left-wing point of view. Recently, they published an article called Trump’s transformation…
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Why are Women Leaving the Church?

It seems that recently USA Today reported a story about women leaving the church in droves. (See In creating their story, they spoke to several women who grew up in, and were formerly heavily involved with, a Christian church, but have since dropped out. Additionally, they referred to…
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