Last week CNN reluctantly stated that, despite all their propaganda to the contrary, the Chinese were actually responsible for the COVID-19 virus outbreak and worldwide dissemination. It is now clear that the Chinese government denied the fact that the virus originated in the city of Wuhan and tried to cover up their complicity in its spread beyond their own borders (they tried to blame it on America and then on India). They also lied about the high numbers of victims in their own country.

 Meanwhile, it is widely known that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has for decades been hard at work on several fronts to replace the United States as the world’s major super power. They have made strategic moves in trade, science, and in the military to close the gap with America and eventually to surpass it.

 Current Chinese President, Xi Jinping (b. 1953), who is regarded as the nation’s supreme leader and political theorist, has especially fanned the flames of discord with the U.S. and other countries. He has also taken a hard line internally against anyone who disagrees with his policies and particularly with religious movements. Christian churches are being closed or demolished and Muslim minorities are being put in forced labor camps in certain sections of the country.

 So why the return to such antagonism by the Chinese rulers to the United States and to religion? The answer is actually very simple: they are communists. But, we thought, the Cold War and the battles with communism ended with the fall of the Soviet Union more than 30 years ago. Yes, communism did collapse after 70 years of rule in the Soviet Union beginning in 1917. That oppressive ideology dominated eastern Europe after World War II.  It was, however, jettisoned by Russia and other formerly communist ruled European countries in the early 1990s. It was one of the most dramatic and unexpected turn of events in the history of the world.

 That being said, however, we seem to have forgotten that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) never relinquished any of its power in that nation of 1.5 billion people. Since 1949 the CCP has maintained absolute control over nearly every aspect of Chinese society. During the rule of PRC and CCP founder Mao Zedong (1893-1976) the country lived in utter revolutionary chaos, especially during the “Cultural Revolution” of 1966-1976 (when Mao died). All told, it is estimated that under Mao’s regime more than 40 million people died of starvation, murder, and war.

After Mao’s death, China entered a period of major reform. Under the leadership of CCP Chairman Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), the government loosened many of the restrictions on businesses, churches, and travel. It even adopted some elements of a free market economy. However, since his rise to power in 2012, President Xi Jinping has reinstituted much of the state and CCP controls over society with himself as a Supreme Leader.

As we have stated many times in our columns on this website, communism is one of the most powerful and malevolent forms of the worldview of Naturalism. It is based on the atheistic presuppositions of Karl Marx who asserted that history and economics are determined by certain fixed “scientific” laws. Marx said that it is inevitable that religion and capitalism (the causes of all human problems) will be crushed and replaced by atheistic socialism and ultimately by Communism. Communism will usher in a utopian period of peace, harmony, and prosperity for all. The leaders of the PRC still fanatically believe in those principles.

Nonetheless, all we have to do is look at the historical record of what Socialism and Communism have brought to mankind to see the absolute fallacy of Marx’s theories.  Starvation, injustice, war, and death have followed Marxism wherever it has raised its head. In the last century it is estimated that as many as 100 million people died as a direct result of communist ideology. Without God, communists feel no compunction to do what is right, to spare the lives of inconvenient humans, or to tell the truth. Thus, it should come as no surprise for the PRC leaders to lie to cover their culpability in the COVID pandemic or to want to control the world.

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