Below is the dialog associated with the article Dealing with a Piman Head which can be viewed at:

0:50 (time stamp) What does socialism have to do with the man’s atheism? Do you call Christians capitalists? If you’re going to do that to one person, you should do the same to everyone. I mean what are you? A capitalist, a socialist who thinks he’s a capitalist because he lives in America, or a debt slave who’s so far behind the eightball that it doesn’t even matter? And, what does that have to do with whatever superstitions you follow?

Freddy Davis
Alltime He is identified in the video as a Socialist because that is how he self-identifies. Beyond that, in case you are not aware, Socialism is an expression of Marxism which is an atheistic belief system.

freddydavis5338 Capitalism is also an atheistic belief. You’re just repeating Cold War propaganda there.

Freddy Davis
Alltime First of all, Capitalism is not an atheistic belief. It is not a religious belief at all, but an economic system. Socialism itself is not a religious belief either, if you are only dealing with it as an economic system. However, it is an expression of Marxism which is an atheistic belief system, so the tenets of Socialism do have atheistic roots.

But the video is not even about Socialism and Capitalism. I don’t get why you are talking about that. Are you trying to evade what the video is really about?

freddydavis5338 Marxism came from the 1800s when superstition still dominated every society on earth at maximum levels. It was an even bigger problem back then in many ways than it is today. Especially in the older cultures on the Eurasian continent. It’s doubtful that Marx would have mentioned it if he was writing today. In reality, it’s an economic system and has as much to do with religion as capitalism does.

I know that Cons don’t get the distinction because they don’t learn from history. They don’t understand how or why religion was such a big deal in Russia or why the Chinese resented Christianity. They think it’s the Devil making that stuff happen. They can’t face reality no matter how well or thoroughly it’s presented to them.

Freddy Davis
Alltime I keep giving you an opportunity to defend the basis of your support for the truth of Atheism, yet you still refuse to do it. Why is that? Attacking my faith without supporting your own assumptions is a meaningless gesture. You are making an assumption that Christianity is based on superstition, yet you have not backed up that assertion. Atheism has NOTHING to support it. It is based on a religious assumption that God and transcendent reality do not exist. All you are doing is putting forth Atheist (religious) talking points without backing it up. How do you know what you are claiming is true? Your faith is getting in the way of your reasoning.

freddydavis5338 Atheism isn’t a truth. It’s simply the lack of belief in a god. I know that’s a difficult concept to grasp for someone who is only slightly more intellectually evolved than the Romans were.

While I don’t share the arrogance of a self-proclaimed immortal being, I can say for certain that even if there might be a deeper meaning to the universe beyond the observable, there is no doubt in my mind that it would have anything to do with the monster that was dreamed up by a violent society of Bronze Age warriors and then modified by an even more violent society of Iron Age warriors.

It’s a primitive superstition using childish threats of violence and promises of immortality to coerce conformity to an ancient and obsolete worldview with no good ideas for the future beyond waiting for Jesus to throw billions of people into a lake of fire. From my perspective, the doomsday aspect of that ancient Roman superstition is one of the purest forms of evil in the world today.

Freddy Davis
Alltime You simply don’t recognize the implications of what you are saying. I understand you don’t believe in God. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have beliefs, and if you really are an Atheist as you seem to imply, your beliefs are founded upon the notion that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is all that exists. Atheism doesn’t exist in a vacuum. And throwing out unsupported insults does not support your assertion. Insults in argumentation are only used by people who don’t know how to intelligently express their beliefs.

I almost have to laugh at your characterization of the Christian faith. You are making all kinds of assumptions about what is in the biblical text that you are unable to back up with any kind of intelligent argument. So, if you are able to say “for certain” that your comments about the Christian faith are true, then you are going to have to share with me the basis for your certainty. What authority source are you using to make that pronouncement? You are using a hermeneutic method for your beliefs about the nature of the biblical text that is certainly not based on biblical theology, so what are you basing it on? How are you “certain” that what you are saying is true? Am I to suppose that you have spent years studying biblical theology? You do have a degree in some subject where you studied that, right?

Seriously, if your interpretation of Old Testament Scripture, and your understanding of the concept of hell were true, I might have to agree with you. However, it is not true. You seem to have picked up that interpretation from some place other than the Bible. Where did you get it from?

And you have still yet to give me any evidence for your contention that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is all that exists. You must have some objective evidence that shows that it is impossible for God to exist, right?

Listen, if you really want to have this discussion, we can do it. But for that to happen, you have to start backing up your assertions with something more than just your own unsupported personal opinion. Until you can back up your attack on me and my beliefs, nothing you say has any credibility at all.

freddydavis5338 What part about waiting for Jesus to come and throw billions of people into a lake of fire am I getting wrong?

I have made one very specific point in every response to your queries about exactly why I believe your ancient superstition is a threat to the survival of our species. If it wasn’t for that, I would not care at all what crazy things the cult believes. But, after a lifetime of watching them fight a culture war against the rest of society, I no longer care to debate the absurdity of their superstitions. From my perspective, it’s no different than arguing with someone who believes that witch doctors and curses are real.

Except witch doctors aren’t electing the biggest liars they can find while trying to force the rest of society to follow them into the abyss.

Freddy Davis
Alltime It is hard to even know where to begin. Who is waiting for Jesus to come and throw billions of people into a lake of fire? Is that what you think Christians believe? That is not even close to what the Bible teaches. The truth is, people are already, by their own free-will life decisions rejecting eternity with God. God is not sending people to hell. People decide for themselves whether they want to spend their eternity with Him or separated from Him. You can’t blame God for people’s personal decisions. If that is your beef and your fight, then you are fighting from am massive hill of ignorance. You can disparage the Christian faith with your insults about it being an “ancient superstition” all you want, but you are insulting out of ignorance. What you are asserting is simply not true. If you are going to attack the Christian faith, at least learn what the Christian faith actually believes.

But beyond that, in order for you to make that kind of accusation, you have to have some standard of belief that you are working from. So how do you know the beliefs of Christianity are not true? What evidence do you have that your beliefs are true? Insults are not an intelligent argument.

freddydavis5338 Are you saying that’s not how the book ends? Are you saying Jesus isn’t coming back to destroy all the enemies of Christendom and reward the faithful with immortality in paradise? What version of the ancient romanized Abrahamic superstition do you think you’ve been following all these years? You need to write a new version of the book leaving out that last chapter and maybe the Book of Daniel if you want that kind of Christianity to be true.

Freddy Davis
Alltime What I am saying is that your biblical hermeneutic is seriously lacking. Where did you study theology? The fact that Christ will return and that eternal justice will be carried out has no relationship with who is responsible for the particular judgment any individual will receive. Judgment is based on the individual choices people make in life, not on anything God does arbitrarily. You are simply in error in your underlying assumptions about this particular Christian doctrine.

But that still leaves us with the question you continue to leave unanswered. In order to judge biblical theology as being in error, you must have your own belief about the nature of reality and an authority source that supports it. So what do you believe and how do you know it is true? Until you answer that, what you are saying is nothing more than your personal unsupported opinion, and has no meaning whatsoever.

1:15 (time stamp) That is completely true. This is why Cons can’t learn how to stop repeating history or even admit to being wrong without feeling embarrassment and shame. Nothing is ever their fault. If they do something good, they’ll often think God told them to do it. If they F up, it’s the Devil or someone else’s fault. That is a massive character flaw inherent to the ancient worldview and one of the most frustrating things about dealing with highly superstitious people like that.

Freddy Davis
Alltime No context here. What is completely true? Without knowing that, no one knows what you are talking about or why you went on that tirade against Christians and Christianity. You have made some very direct assertions that you somehow seem to know are true. How do you know God and the Devil don’t exist? What is your standard for telling other people they have character flaws? Basically you seem to be setting yourself up as god.

freddydavis5338 The time stamp was off by a few seconds. Here’s a better one 1:15

Freddy Davis
Alltime It’s actually not true. And you haven’t answered my questions. How do you know that your assertions are true? What is your source?

freddydavis5338 The traits of the cult are far more observable from the outside than you might be aware. The track record of Conservatives blaming everyone but themselves for their rising lack of popularity in the real world is as obvious to an outside observer as their inability to stop repeating history.

I am well aware that you are probably incapable of understanding why I can’t let some YouTube channel that popped up at the top of my feed preaching an ancient Roman end-time superstition in a world where people who are that backward have access to nuclear bombs while doing everything in their power to prevent humanity from building a survivable future, go unchallenged.

The blatant dishonesty and superstitious nuttery of the Trump era proved to me how determined the cult is to see their doomsday worldview come true. That was the end of me being nice to them for good.

Freddy Davis
Alltime This is a totally senseless response. I think what you are calling the “traits of the cult” are not revealing what you think they are. And I have no idea what you are talking about concerning “Conservatives blaming everyone but themselves for their rising lack of popularity.” Where did that come from? Is seems to me you are living in some kind of bubble where you are only aware of the point of view of those who surround you, and unaware of the actual trends in society.

Perhaps I am incapable of understanding your obsession with putting down people you don’t agree with, but I am quite capable of following what is going on in society. Since my video had nothing to do with what you are talking about, who are you talking about that has access to nuclear bombs that wants to destroy humanity? I’m not a Trump apologist, but what wars did Trump get us into? In fact, what wars even took place while he was in office? (The answer is none.) On the other hand, how many wars and threats of wars have occurred around the world since he left office? You seem to have some anger issues that are causing you to attack people who disagree with you, even about things that are not even the topic of discussion.

freddydavis5338 I think I already addressed the issue of primitive minds and their cognitive abilities. Trying to explain reality to a superstitious person is as impossible as convincing an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon that a camera isn’t stealing their soul.

Since you appear to be hiding my responses anyway, I’m writing you off as a troll from here on out.

Freddy Davis
Alltime I haven’t hidden any of your responses. Perhaps you are just not clicking on the link that says “show more replies” in order to see all of them. I don’t have any problem accessing them.

Using insults and calling me names is not an intelligent response. It is what people do who are unable to articulate what they believe and why they believe it. What it tells me is that you are unable to give a reason why you believe your beliefs are true and my beliefs are not. And since you continue to refuse to share how you know your beliefs are true, I can only assume that you are unable to do it. So far, you have not given me any reason to take you seriously.

1:40 (time stamp) If that’s what he said, he was wrong about that one. Humans definitely are evolving out of the ancient ignorance that dominated our species for most of its history. That’s why more people are willingly giving up the superstitions of their ancestors today at a rate not seen since the Romans abandoned the Pantheon 2,000 years ago.

Freddy Davis
You are again making an assumption that people know what you are referring to. If “what” is what he said? What is he wrong about? What is your basis for claiming humans are “evolving out of ancient ignorance”? Do you have some specific data, or is that just an anecdotal comment based on your own personal surroundings? Something is not true just because you claim it is.

freddydavis5338 I’ve edited the comment with a more accurate time stamp.

2:26 (time stamp) The religious nature of my complaints is that Abrahamic religions are end-time superstitions with no vision of the future that doesn’t involve their God, Prophet, or Messiah coming to throw all their many enemies into a lake of fire. It’s a worldview that evolved on a planet where the entire population was counted in the millions, not the billions that exist today. They are intellectually incapable of solving the problems that arise under those conditions. They will not help humanity build a sustainable and survivable future because they are end-time cults.

While religion was once a useful tool that helped lead to the success of our species despite its flaws by helping to spread the concept of civilization, that is no longer true. In the modern world, the followers of end-time superstitions have become the greatest non-natural threat to the survival of our species in human history. They don’t care about the planet they are leaving behind because it’s just a prop put here so they can experience life before they can live forever. They think they are immortal beings who are so important that the entire Universe was created just for them. In reality, they are the most important thing that humanity has to overcome if our species is going to survive.

Freddy Davis
Alltime Interesting assertions, but there is not a single thing you have said that can be backed up by any kind of empirical data (other than, perhaps, the number of people on the planet). All you have expressed is your personal opinion based on your personal presuppositions that you can’t support.

* Abrahamic religions are not end-time superstitions.
* You have no grasp of the concept of “a lake of fire.”
* You can’t demonstrate that Christianity represents an “evolved” worldview.
* You can’t demonstrate your assertions about the intellectual capacity of people in past eras, nor their problem solving capacity.
* You are making assumptions about the concept of sustainability that is based on a worldview foundation that you can’t demonstrate to be true.
* You can’t demonstrate that religion is a “tool” (useful or not).
* You can’t demonstrate that religion was once useful and is no longer.
* You have made an assumption about the very concept of civilization that has no basis in supportable fact.
* You have made an assumption about the threat potential to the survival of humanity by people who hold a religious point of view that you have not supported, and cannot back up.
* You have made assumptions about the motives of people who hold different religious beliefs than you, without anything to back it up.
* You have made assumptions about the very nature of humanity based on naturalistic worldview beliefs that you cannot back up.

Those points cover just about everything you have said. All you have done is share your personal opinion about your religious beliefs compared to the beliefs of people you disagree with. If you are going to attack what I have said, you will need to back it up. Otherwise, you are doing nothing more than spewing hatred and wasting both our time.

freddydavis5338 Yes they absolutely are. It’s the last chapter of the Christian’s Holy Book and the only way their story is supposed to end. That’s why the followers of these ancient religions have spent decades forcing society to deny science and ignore reality until it really is too late to save the future.

Deny it all you want, it’s just one more lie to be telling yourself.

Freddy Davis
Alltime Actually, there are numerous hermeneutical approaches that are used to interpret the book of Revelation (BTW: the book of Revelation is not a chapter in a book. It is a completely separate writing all its own.) You have not specifically identified which method you are using, so it is impossible to respond to what you are saying. What specific story ending are you referring to?

Additionally, your comment about Christians forcing society to deny science is absurd. Christians believe in using the scientific method fully as much as you do. What are you even talking about? Do you even know what science is?

You have not made a single supportable argument. All you have done is assert your personal opinion about the Christian faith with nothing to back it up.

freddydavis5338 Just to be clear: Are you saying Christians aren’t waiting for Jesus to come back? Or are you saying that Christians believe a second coming won’t affect the billions of people who don’t worship that Roman god or worship some other invisible ghosts, spirits, or deities instead?

That would be great news. You definitely should inform the evangelicals that they can stop following liars now. Maybe the Pope should know this as well. Maybe they can delete that last chapter of the book or add an amendment explaining how the whole thing was just a bad dream and forget it ever happened.

freddydavis5338 Millions of Evangelicals and Baptists in general disagree. Catholics downplay the end times because Jesus didn’t want his followers fixating on when they thought it was going to happen. But make no mistake, they think still think it’s going to happen.

The ignorance or outright dishonesty on display over the meaning and history of your ancient Roman end-time superstition is astounding.

Freddy Davis
Alltime Why are you avoiding my questions? You have made assertions, based on your own set of worldview assumptions, about what will happen in the future, but are so vague it is difficult to even know what you are talking about. You seem to be basing everything you are saying on naturalistic assumptions without ever specifying that is where you are coming from. I am definitely a Christian and believe there will be an ultimate supernatural end to history (though, as I mentioned earlier, I don’t believe you even know what that means). So if you are disputing that, what do you believe?

There are a couple of issues I have with you. First, you are making assumptions concerning the end of history based on Christian theology that seem to be completely wrong. I don’t see that you understand Christian theology at all. Second, you are obviously attempting to dispute my point of view, but you have not said one thing that backs up your assertions. Your prescriptive argument has nothing to support it. If you are going to play the attack game, then you are going to have to, first of all, explain what you do believe, then tell me how you know your point of view is true. Until you do that, you have said nothing. Your approach of “I’m right and you’re wrong” is a child’s game.

freddydavis5338 Every Christian sect believes something different and most of them say you are wrong. Right and wrong is meaningless to people like that anyway. It’s just whatever they’re convinced a god wants them to do. That’s always been a problem.

I obviously have a broader range of experience with Evangelicals and other factions of the religious Right than you do. Calling me wrong is a waste of time. You should be talking to them instead.

From my perspective, all the various sects are no more valid than believing in Witch Doctors and curses. Except Witch doctors aren’t electing liars and forcing society to ignore the realities of anthropomorphic climate change.

Freddy Davis
Alltime So, you continue to justify your criticism by simply dismissing any comment that disagrees with your personal presuppositions, then continue to throw out comments with nothing to back them up. That is a meaningless process. You may think you sound intelligent by doing that, but it only makes you come across as ignorant of what you are talking about. Your presuppositions are wrong, your facts are wrong, and your conclusions are wrong. Until you justify the basis for your criticism, you have said nothing.

freddydavis5338 Well I’m talking to someone who flat out denies the endgame of all three Abrahamic religions. I’m not playing into your arguments because no proof that I or anyone else could ever provide can convince a superstitious mind that their superstitions are the merely the primitive leftovers from the Iron Age at best. That means I’m talking to someone who is only slightly more intellectually evolved than the Romans were. There’s no way an intelligent or honest conversation with a mind like is possible beyond discussing what’s for dinner.

Freddy Davis
Alltime Actually, you are talking to someone who has a doctorate in theology and have studied this most of my life. At the same time, you continue to throw out your arguments with absolutely nothing to back them up. You accuse me of being “superstitious” because I don’t agree with you, and you are doing it based on your own beliefs – which you have not supported with any evidence whatsoever. Just saying my beliefs are based on superstition is a totally meaningless exercise if you don’t first demonstrate that the beliefs you are basing your assertions on are objectively true. You have not done that. Indeed, you can’t do it. And until you do, you are just blowing smoke. Prove that your Atheism is true, then you will have a leg to stand on. Until then, all you are doing is expressing your personal, unsupported opinion. As I said before, “Your presuppositions are wrong, your facts are wrong, and your conclusions are wrong. Until you justify the basis for your criticism, you have said nothing.” You simply don’t know what you are talking about.

So, prove that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is all that exists. That is the basis of everything you have been saying. Until you do that, you have no basis for criticizing any Christian.

@freddydavis5338 That’s like having a doctorate in wizardry.

You can lie or deny the end-time worshipping aspects of your Bronze Age belief system all you want. Denial has always been an essential element of the ancient worldview.

I don’t need to prove natural laws or the meaning of the Universe. Even if anyone could answer any of your questions beyond a doubt, it would still be useless information that doesn’t affect anyone’s life one way or another.

2,000 years ago no one could explain what made the wind blow or where rain came from. Back then, those questions along with millions of others just as mundane were all that was needed to prove there was a god. Today, superstitious people have to reach many times farther to find enough ignorance to justify their superstitions.

Like I’ve said. I would not care what crazy things anyone wants to believe as long they aren’t standing in the way of a sustainable future. That’s why the Religious Right won’t help and has been sabotaging the effort instead. They do that because the survival of our species is the last thing they want to see happen.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime And, it seems your doctorate is in trolling. If you are going to argue based on a naturalistic point of view, you actually do have to prove that what you are saying is legitimate. And, once again, you are publicly displaying your lack of understanding of not only my belief system, but your own, as well. Nothing you have just mentioned has anything to do with whether or not your or my belief system is true. You are simply blowing smoke. In fact, nothing you have said is even true.

* Christianity is not a Bronze Age belief system.
* Denial is not an essential (or even non-essential) element of any belief system – ancient or modern. In fact, that statement is a rather mindless one.
* I didn’t ask you to prove natural laws. I asked you to prove that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is all that exists. You accuse me of not supporting my beliefs when you are not willing (or able) to support yours. And that is not useless information since it is necessary for you to demonstrate that the arguments you are making are actually true.
* Explaining “what makes the wind blow or where rain came from, along with millions of others just as mundane questions,” has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not God exists, and those explanations are not necessary to prove He does. In truth, until you prove your naturalistic worldview, your beliefs more unbelievable than mine.
* Christian beliefs do not stand in the way of a sustainable future (though much of the philosophy masquerading as science that is being promoted these days does). Your statement that Christians are sabotaging good stewardship of the earth’s resources is simply false on its face, and is a figment of your imagination.
* The destruction of our species is not a goal of the Christian faith. You have once again only demonstrated that you have no understanding of Christian theology. I know you think you do, but you are clueless.

Railing against Christian beliefs based on your own unsupported beliefs (that you don’t even understand) only makes you look silly. You have no idea what you are talking about. What can you share that demonstrates your beliefs are true and mine are false? Simply making unsupported and untrue statements about my beliefs is not helping your cause.

@freddydavis5338 Maybe you never have been to a Baptist church, talked to a Pentecostal snake handler, or a deranged Trump supporter before. Maybe you really are so naive to believe that the religious Right denies climate change based on facts, or that they love Israel because they love the Jewish people, or that you’re worshiping a religion of peace.

The odds are that if you really don’t know about the Christian Nationalist agenda, their denial of science, or their plans for the future, you’re either an idiot or lying to yourself. And I don’t think you’re an idiot.

Also, once again, I don’t need to ask the questions you ask because the answers don’t explain anything I need to live a good life and become a better human being.

My point about the rain and wind was about how much further ancient-minded people in the modern world have to go to find something they are ignorant of enough to justify having a god. I think you knew that and your response was not an honest one. Or did I get that wrong? Are you saying that you don’t know why it rains or what makes the wind blow?

The bottom line is that I’m not going to argue with a liar. What would be the point of that?
First, you deny that Christians aren’t waiting for God or Jesus to annihilate or torture for eternity billions of people when he comes back to make all those special snowflakes feel even more special. Now you are claiming Abrahamic religions didn’t come out of the Bronze Age. The Romans were Iron Age, does that make it any better?

This is why there is no such thing as a superstitious intellectual. They can make anything true that they want to be true.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Maybe you don’t understand the difference between anecdotal evidence and actual evidence. Of course there are people who believe some of the things you are saying. But to generalize that across the entire populations of Christians is simply wrong. I could argue the same way about people who believe your naturalistic beliefs. There are all kinds of fringe people on the left who are hateful bigots and science deniers. But that would be a useless way to argue in the same way that your argument has been. The fact that you are not willing to support your point of view with actual evidence tells me, and everyone reading this, all we need to know. If you want to be taken seriously, you actually do have to answer the questions. Simply asserting that “I am right and you are wrong” is the approach of a simpleton.

You call me a liar, once again basing your assertion on a total lack of understanding of Christian theology. The fact that Christians are looking for the return of Christ does not support your contention that we are “waiting for God or Jesus to annihilate or torture for eternity billions of people when he comes back.” Talk about a lie. You have simply made up your own interpretation of Christian theology, and it is not true. Actually, I don’t believe you are a liar as you share your perspective, you have just never done any serious study to understand it.

Once again, your assertion that Christianity is a Bronze Age religion is simply not true. The roots of Christianity reach back to the very creation of man. You seem to think that it was made up after Christ appeared on earth. Again, you don’t understand Christian theology and are basing your opinion on a naturalistic interpretation of the nature of faith. And once again, if you are going to continue to make those kinds of assertions, you need to support your foundational beliefs. Your contentions are simply not true.

In my last post, I listed all of the fallacies you made in your previous one. Rather than address any of them, you just call me a liar. Well, that is your choice, but when you keep doing that, you are only demonstrating your own inability to speak intelligently.

I also find it interesting that you have made reference to “a good life” and “becoming a better human being.” With your worldview beliefs, there is no basis for determining what is good and right morally: “Live a good life” based on whose standards? Who determines what makes “a good human being?” You have to make it up for yourself. And what if your standards conflict with someone else’s? Who gets to make the final determination? Your entire worldview framework has nothing to support it. Talk about someone who will “make anything true that they want to be true.”

Perhaps you would do yourself a favor and actually study to understand actual Christian theology rather than your made up version. If you keep on asserting your false beliefs without backing it up, you will continue to look like you don’t know what you are talking about.

@freddydavis5338 I agree that superstition is at least as old as humanity and probably began as soon as our first ancestors had big empty brains large enough to look at the world around them in wonder. I don’t know how that helps your argument.

What you don’t get us is that your suggestion that Christianity is not an end-time superstition is so incredibly dishonest that I can’t even begin to take it seriously. Insult me as much as you want and fish gallop to your heats delight but too many people have heard their preachers warn that the end is coming to just pretend that BS away.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Did you even read my last post? Different people put various emphases on the end times, but it is just false that end-time beliefs are central to the Christian faith. Your repeated repetition of the same falsehood will not change that fact. The focus of Christianity is eternal salvation, not end times. Like I have said numerous times, your understanding of Christian theology is massively flawed. You simply don’t know what you are talking about.

Based on your comment about our “ancestors,” though, it appears you believe that the theory of evolution is based on science. You don’t really hold to that superstition, do you?

@freddydavis5338 The number one question the original followers kept asking Jesus was, when will God come to destroy all their enemies and reward them with paradise.

I was paraphrasing of course, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was an apocalyptic preacher teaching an apocalyptic religion worshiping a jealous and vengeful child’s nightmare idea of a god. Stop lying. It’s just making it worse.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Another total misunderstanding of the biblical text. Before Jesus’ resurrection, that is exactly what Jesus’ disciples were asking. And they were asking based on the prevailing Jewish understanding of Messiah in that day. They were expecting a political/military leader to rise and defeat the Romans so they could once again have their independent statehood.

But that is not the kind of Messiah Jesus was. He never preached that. And the disciples never really understood the true nature of His messiahship until after the resurrection. If you don’t understand that most basic concept, you really don’t understand the Christian faith — just as I have been saying. You really ought to understand what you are attacking before you go off and assert things that are simply not true. It is a bad look.

But you still have not answered my questions about the validity of your beliefs. It seems that what you don’t want to answer, you just ignore. I asked you a specific question about your belief about the theory of evolution. You really don’t hold to that superstition, do you?

@freddydavis5338 It’s more difficult for someone like myself to reason with religious people in the Western World than it is for missionaries to reason with uncontacted tribes in the Amazon. That’s because both groups are equally superstitious, just in different ways. As much as you might wish otherwise, that dynamic does not exist between the two of us. Science is not a superstition and you betrayed your primitive worldview completely by making that suggestion.

There is no way I can justify the validity of anything to an anachronistic leftover from the ancient world. They are the percentage of the population who has been able, or unwilling to adapt to a warming planet, armed with nuclear weapons, and filled with 8 billion and counting people. They have no plan for the future beyond consuming resources as quickly as possible while waiting for their god to solve all the problems they created by ending it all and rewarding them with paradise.

The whole thing would just be a stupid fantasy if people like that weren’t leading the Republican Party.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Of course science is not a superstition. It is a methodology. It is the process of using observation and experimentation to discover things about the natural universe. I never said science is superstition. What I called superstition was the theory of evolution. You really need to read what I write and quit reading your own misunderstanding of Christianity into it. And that is your big problem. You have this image in your mind as to what comprises Christianity, and you make all these crazy assertions about it as if your were correct, when your understanding of the faith is completely wrong.

Christians believe in the use of the scientific method fully as much as you do. It is just that we also believe that there are parts of reality that exist beyond what can be ascertained using science. So, if you were able to demonstrate by actual science that the theory of evolution is true, I would be compelled to agree with you. But you can’t. The theory of evolution is not based on science, but on naturalistic philosophy. You don’t believe it is true because it has been demonstrated by observation and experimentation, but because you believe, by faith, that naturalistic philosophy is true. Your belief in naturalistic philosophy is your religion.

Now, since you believe in naturalistic philosophy (that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is all that exists), in order for your belief to be reasonable, you must be able to demonstrate it is true using the scientific method. But you can’t. No belief system in existence can be proven using science. You keep on dissing Christian Theism because it doesn’t correspond to your naturalistic beliefs, yet you can’t demonstrate the validity of your own faith using your own requirements. I have asked you over and over to demonstrate that, and the only answer you give is, “I don’t have to do that.” Well, yes you do. What makes your faith true and mine false? Until you can answer that question, nothing you say has any validity at all. All you have done is throw out your own personal opinion without ever backing it up. What you are asserting simply can’t be accepted as credible until you do.

Now, as far as your assertions about the goals and motivations of Christians (what you have referred to as “an anachronistic leftover from the ancient world,” you have done nothing but rehash, once again, your total lack of understanding of Christian theology. Every time you do that you only continue to show your ignorance of it. Your characterization is simply not true – on its face. You are criticizing your caricature of Christianity, not Christianity itself. And because of your lack of understanding of Christian theology, you have also mischaracterized the motivations of Christians. You are simply wrong in thinking Christians don’t care about the planet.

It seems to me that you are assigning acts and motives to Christians that really belong somewhere else. Additionally, you seem to be equating Christianity with Republicans. That is also false – on its face. I understand why you are confusing faith and politics, since based on a naturalistic worldview the natural world is all that is acknowledged to exist. Your thoughts on that are one of the inevitable false implications of Naturalism. There is another way to express reality that you simply do not understand.

Now, as far as your difficulty in “reasoning with religious people,” I understand what you are trying to say — even if it is a little inartful. Different worldviews are, literally, different ways of understanding the very structure of reality. People who don’t understand worldview concepts are simply incapable of understanding the beliefs of people who hold different worldview beliefs – thus your difficulty in relating to what I am saying. They perceive other people’s beliefs as fantasy. Every worldview category literally contradicts every other one. The only way to bridge that gap is to understand the various worldview possibilities. This doesn’t mean that you have to believe, or even accept, other beliefs, but you do have to know what they are if you want to be able to communicate across that barrier. That is also necessary if you want to be able to evaluate and defend the validity of your own beliefs. The fact that you are incapable of communicating across that barrier, and are unable to justify your own beliefs demonstrates that you do not have that knowledge.

All this to say, you still don’t know what you are talking about concerning what I believe, and are unable to give any reason why your naturalistic beliefs should be considered true. Your argumentation will continue to be shallow accusations and unsupported assertions until you up your game.

@freddydavis5338 There are reasons why more people today are willingly abandoning the superstitions of our ancestors at a rate not seen since the Romans gave up on the pantheon. This is the natural progression of human survival. We either overcome that ancient BS or let it lead us to extinction.

As far as your long-winded responses go, the more you talk the more the arrogance of your ignorance shines through. The problem you have is that I have zero respect for the primitive worldview of superstitious people regardless of what variety of superstitions they follow. I don’t care that some might be less harmful. Human ignorance is one of the main sources of despicable acts and bad outcomes. Since superstitions depend on ignorance to function, ergo, all superstitions are bad. Some are just worse than others, that’s all.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Once again a prescriptive claim with nothing to back it up. What you have called a long-winded response was actually an intelligent explanation of how worldview beliefs work. I’m sorry if you are unable to understand the concepts. You continue to attack my beliefs without anything to back up your false assertions, while at the same time hold on to your non-scientific, naturalistic philosophy without being able to demonstrate it is true. The more you do that, the worse you look.

@freddydavis5338 You think you sound intelligent? To me, it’s like listening to a Witch Doctor explain why curses are real. You sound like a deluded arrogant idiot justifying a belief in magic without any evidence or proof beyond tradition and a book written thousands of years ago by people would be considered even bigger idiots on multiple levels if they were alive today.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Interesting. At least I do give actual answers. All you do is say, “I am right and you are wrong,” with nothing to back it up. I have given you every chance to explain to me how you know your naturalistic beliefs are true. And what do I get? Crickets. The truth is, anything that a person does not understand sounds like gibberish. An explanation of 2 + 2 = 4 sounds that way to people who have no understanding of basic math. Once again, your total lack of understanding of Christian theology is evident, and completely explains why you are so confused. But you have not even been able to explain your own beliefs … and simply making an assertion that “I don’t have to do it” is a total cop out. I would like to give you another opportunity. Explain to me how you know your belief in naturalistic philosophy is true. I am very willing to listen to your explanation, and quite interested in your answer.

@freddydavis5338 There is no evidence or proof when one is arguing over a fantasy.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Admitting that naturalistic philosophy is a fantasy is a good start, but you still need to understand its underlying basis so you can understand “why” it is not true.

@freddydavis5338 You should have figured out by now that I refuse to play word games with a superstitious leftover from the Roman world. Are you really that dense, or deluded?

Freddy Davis
@Alltime What I have figured out, and everyone sees, is that your refusal to back up your own beliefs is a demonstration that you are unable to do it. We are not playing word games. You can continue all you want to try to get out of backing up your belief in naturalistic religion, but until you do it, your criticism of my beliefs is a meaningless exercise. What makes your religion better than mine? Your naturalistic belief requires that ultimately everything in all of existence be explainable based on the natural laws of the universe, in spite of the fact that not everything is yet known about those laws. The result that emerges from your point of view has to be accepted by faith. It is a religious belief. You actually don’t, and can’t, know if it is actually true (and by the same token, you don’t, and can’t, know that Christian beliefs are not true). You are actually not dealing with word games at all, but a total lack of understanding of the nature of worldview beliefs. Calling me names, and throwing out insults does not help your case. In fact, it is a tacit admission that you are not able to discuss this topic on an intelligent level. I’m still waiting for you to intelligently explain why you believe your beliefs are true and mine are not.

@freddydavis5338 I can’t prove that your imaginary being isn’t real. I can’t prove that you’re not an immortal being either. The only proof you have is that ancient people were superstitious as F and some of them wrote their superstitions down.

I can’t argue against that because there is nothing there to argue against. The only facts involved are that people lived, wrote stuff down without proof of evidence, and died thousands of years ago.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime I have not asked your to prove anything about my beliefs – real or not real. I have asked you to explain and justify the reality of your own beliefs. You keep slamming my beliefs without ever demonstrating that the presuppositions you are standing on are actually true. Until you do, your insults and mockery are meaningless. It only makes you a troll.

@freddydavis5338 I can’t prove that your imaginary being isn’t real. I can’t prove that you’re not an immortal being either. The only proof you have is that ancient people were superstitious as F and some of them wrote their superstitions down.

I can’t argue against that because there is nothing there to argue against. The only facts involved are that people lived, wrote stuff down without proof of evidence, and died thousands of years ago.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime You are simply in error. Your statement is only true if your naturalistic philosophy is true. So prove to me that your naturalistic assumptions are true and you have a case. Until then, you have nothing.

You have just made several assumptions that you can’t back up.

* God is imaginary.
* The existence of God can’t be proven.
* The existence of human immortality is not true.
* Biblical teachings are superstitions.
* There is nothing to argue against.
* The only facts involved are that people lived, wrote stuff down.

You have assumed all of these things and argue against Christianity based on those assumptions. but have provided no evidence that any of your assumptions are true. You just believe them as religious doctrine, and based on that you argue against other beliefs that don’t correspond to your naturalistic ones.

Even though you will not accept my proofs, I actually can prove all of these things. They can be proven since God actually does exist and has revealed Himself to humanity. There actually is a personal spiritual reality. We, ourselves, are also spiritual beings who were created with the capacity to interact personally with God. Those who are willing to reach out to Him can know Him. In fact, there is evidence for all of the things listed, it is just not naturalistic evidence. If you are not even willing to look where the answers are, of course you will never find them.

What you don’t seem to realize is that your underlying naturalistic assumptions are wrong – and as a result, your conclusions are wrong. But I’ll tell you what, If you can provide naturalistic proof that your naturalistic beliefs are true, you win the argument and I will defer to you. But until then, you have still said absolutely nothing. You insist on me showing naturalistic proof that my beliefs are true, yet you refuse to do the same for your own. Your rants are simply hot air.

@freddydavis5338 You’re the one making assertions without evidence beyond tradition and the words from a 2,000 year old Roman end-time superstition. You can’t prove anything. There is no evidence at all that ghosts, spirits, and invisible human hating monsters like the Abrahamic god are real outside of the imagination of primitive people.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime As I said before, perhaps based on your presuppositions there is no evidence of transcendent reality. But you have not proven your presuppositions. What I am saying is that the naturalistic beliefs your presuppositions are based upon are simply not true. You can’t prove that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is all that exists – which is a necessary belief for your assertions to be true. (BTW, you really hurt your credibility even more when you accuse my faith of believing things that are not a part of the faith.) I keep asking you to prove me wrong by backing up your beliefs, but all you do is say “I don’t have to do it.” Well, yes you do if you want to be taken seriously. And when you present your evidence, you have to do it using the same requirements that you are requiring of me. With that, using your own words, there is no evidence to demonstrate that your beliefs are true. And if your underlying beliefs are not true, your assertions about my beliefs are meaningless.

As I said before, there actually is evidence that the Christian faith is true, but you reject that evidence out of hand because it doesn’t match up to your naturalistic beliefs. So, again, demonstrate that your beliefs are true and I will concede. But until you do, you are just blowing smoke.

@freddydavis5338 I can’t help it if you deny the apocalyptic aspects of your superstition. That is on you, not me.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Actually, I have not denied at all that there are transcendent elements to my faith. What I have denied is your false representations of the faith. All you are doing is setting up a straw-man and knocking it down. You simply don’t have any idea of Christianity’s actual beliefs. And the more you do that, the more ignorant you come across.

But why have you even made that statement? That is not even the subject at hand. Is this just another attempt to divert from the fact that you are unable to give any support for your naturalistic religion?

@freddydavis5338 I respond to everyone who responds to me most of the time but I should make it clear that I will not engage in any of your pseudo-intellectual arguments. I don’t care about your feelings regarding naturalism or anything else. It’s irrelevant to the harm that ancient superstitions, the Abrahamic’s in particular, bring to the world.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime There you go again not being willing to disclose why you think your viewpoint is true and right. Your comments cannot even be called pseudo-intellectual – they are anti-intellectual. I have not once talked about my “feelings” about Naturalism, I have been talking about how it is a “false” set of beliefs. When you begin with false beliefs, the conclusions you draw from those beliefs are necessarily also false. Thus, your assertions about the “harm” Christian beliefs cause are simply not true. You keep on asserting that point, but have never once backed it up. More smoke, no substance. How do you know your beliefs are true?

@freddydavis5338 Also accusing me of narcissism is rich. Honestly, the arrogance of people who believe they are immortal beings is one of the most disgusting thing about them.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime LOL That’s rich. The person who has been continuously calling me names and insulting my beliefs (without backing it up, BTW), is insulted by what I have written in response. That said, I have never once called you a narcissist. That is just a lie. I only make comments about what you say, not who are. You seem to be getting a little desperate, here. You have once again attacked my beliefs without giving any support for your assertions. That is not an intellectual approach.

@freddydavis5338 What names did I call you and why would I be desperate beyond knowing how harmful all superstitions are?

I probably seem as arrogant to you as Christians do to natives living in some hidden culture in the jungle. I’m not doing it on purpose. You are getting the perspective of someone who is outside of your worldview. It’s not my fault that the end-time theories of Abrahamic religions have turned into an actual threat to the survival of our species. I didn’t do that.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Do you not realize that the greatest genocides that have ever been committed on earth were done by Naturalists? Think Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse-tung, Hitler. All of those people were motivated by naturalistic worldview beliefs. Your assertions about the actual threat to our survival is simply wrong, and continuing to repeat that lie will not make it true. If you want to single out radical Islam as a threat, I won’t dispute that. But throwing in Judaism and Christianity is simply not true.

As far as the difference in our worldviews, I am way more knowledgeable about that than you will ever be. That is my field of expertise and I have written numerous books on the subject. That is why I am so aware of what your beliefs are and the weaknesses inherent in them. And you obviously don’t know the differences as you keep asserting things about both worldview beliefs and various belief systems that are simply not true. Your arguments simply do not hold water.

@freddydavis5338 I have stayed on message the entire time. I have no intention of giving your worldview the legitimacy it craves by engaging it in a debate of your choosing.

I know this is probably going to hurt your feelings and most likely going to take it as an insult, but there is no such thing as a superstitious intellectual. There might have been a hundred years ago when almost everyone worshipped whatever faith they had been born into, but the glory days for those guys are over. In the modern world, they’re just another extension of the cult.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime If you call “staying on message” continuing to repeat the same false information over and over, you have certainly stayed on message. But I have not asked you to legitimize my beliefs. I have insisted that you legitimize yours. You have not, and you cannot. And until you do, there is nothing you can say that will give you any legitimacy.

There is, however, a pseudo-intellectual. And if you are claiming to be an intellectual, yet you are unable to even articulate your beliefs and defend their legitimacy, I would wonder about your claim. You have still said nothing and are still blowing smoke. You are operating like a troll.

@freddydavis5338 The thing about religious people is there thousands of denominations with their own ideas and none of them are worth me spending my time on. There is no such thing as truth to them and their moraility is completely flexible based on whatever they think a god wants them to do.
There is no way I can take anyone like that seirously beyond the threat they pose.

All you are doing is giving me an other opportunity to point out one of the worst threats they pose toward the survival of our species. If we go extinct in the not too distant future, it will be them that made that happen. There is no greater evil than that.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime There is one thing that continues to be evident in your comments: You have no understanding at all of Christianity. You don’t know its basic essential tenets, you don’t know how to distinguish between essential and non-essential beliefs, and you don’t know how to distinguish between genuine Christianity and your strange fantasies about it. Maybe if you would spend a little time learning about what Christianity actually teaches, rather than running with your false understanding of it, you wouldn’t keep sticking your foot in your mouth like you have been doing during our entire conversation. Your lack of ability to take the Christian faith seriously has nothing to do with the teachings of Christianity itself. It has to do with the strange and weird ideas about Christianity that you, for whatever reason, have rolling around in your head. The source of the fear you keep talking about is in your imagination. You have no idea what you are talking about.

@freddydavis5338 I apparently know more about it than you do.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Yeah, right.

@freddydavis5338 Arguing with superstitious people over the existence of invisible beings is an impossible task that only a fool would entertain. And yes, either you are FOS, or I do know vastly more about your superstition than you do. I’m not blinded by any particular version of the faith. If you legitimately believe that waiting for a god to either annihilate or torture for eternity billions of people is not an important feature of the superstition, I can’t help you.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime So, I guess you actually do resort to insults after all.

I’m still waiting for you to tell how you know your assumption that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is true. You keep assuming it and arguing “as if” it is true, but you have given no evidence, based on your own philosophical requirements, that it is. You believe it by faith, which makes it a religious point of view. How do you know that your religious beliefs are true and mine are not? Sorry, but your beliefs are not true just because you claim it.

And once again, saying I believe things that I don’t believe does not help your argument. Straw-man arguments are the domain of people who don’t know what they are talking about. I guess you enjoy trolling.

@freddydavis5338 I have consistently refused to let you change the subject because you there is no such thing as an honest conversation with people who believe they are either authorized to lie for Jesus or can twist reality any way necessary to fit whatever point they are trying to make.

I absolutely despise liars, it doesn’t matter if they know they are doing it or not. I do tend to insult them with my bluntness it’s unavoidable most of the time.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Change the subject? Really? So you think it is okay for you to assert things that are not true and I am supposed to just accept that? Really? That’s funny.

@freddydavis5338 The theme of my comments has been consistent from the very first one. You could have let it go but instead you had to try and pull me into the weeds with you. That never had a chance because your credibility was severely damaged from the very beginning by denial. Claiming that Abrahamic religions are not primarily end-time superstitions is a lie. Deny it all the way until the stupidity of superstitious people burns the world to the ground and it will still be a lie.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime I know the theme of your comments has been consistent. The only problem is, the content of your comments are simply not true. First of all, the “Abrahamic religions” (as you are referring to them) do not all teach the same thing. Generalizing like that makes it impossible for your assertion to have any consistency at all. While for some reason you are fixated on your characterization, none of them are “primarily” focused on the end time. Second, for you to characterize them as superstitions, requires you to have some kind of authoritative proof that what you are saying is true. All you have ever offered is your uninformed opinion. No matter how many times I ask you to prove what you are saying, you either ignore my questions or tell me you are not required to answer. That is just silliness. I am not calling you a liar, only obviously ignorant of the actual beliefs you are railing against.

And I still don’t get your apocalyptic fear. It is more likely that one of your naturalist buddies will start a nuclear war than the world be ended by people of faith.

@freddydavis5338 For any religion to qualify as Christian they must believe in at least three things. The virgin birth, the resurrection, and the second coming. Anyone denying any of those three is not a Christian. The idea that your god is going to come and destroy all the non-believers is not only a central tenet of the faith but it’s also the end-game as well.

I don’t do atheist content on my channel, it’s more about deconstructing the Conservative worldview than picking on the religions they tend to follow. But, this conversation has inspired me. I think the next one I do will be the history of the Christian religion from my perspective.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Actually, your list of necessary beliefs for a person to be a Christian is flawed in some very significant ways. You have identified certain Christians doctrines, but none of those things of themselves tells a person anything. There are people who believe all three of those things, but their belief about them is not based on the teachings of the Bible. In fact, the Bible teaches that Satan himself believes the truth about who Christ is, but is not an actual believer in Christ. All you have done is put yourself in his company. You see, you have not identified the single most significant thing that forms the essential core of the Christian faith. You have, for whatever reason picked out certain doctrines and asserted that your interpretation of them comprises the Christian faith, when, in fact, your interpretation is simply false. You, literally, have no idea what you are talking about.

I don’t know about your channel, but I can say without fear of contradiction, that the assertions about the Christian faith that you have been spouting here fall into the same category with all the other people in history who have made up false accounts of the Christian faith. And there are many of those – some of which have even ending up forming into cults.

Deconstructing the Conservative worldview? Is that what you think you are doing? What in the world is “the Conservative worldview?” There is no such thing. (You do realize, don’t you, that conservative and Christian are not the same thing. Something is conservative in relationship to something else, and the “something else” must be carefully defined before one can determine whether or not a viewpoint is conservative in relation to it. Your comment literally makes no sense until you identify what you are talking about.

And you don’t think you do Atheist content on your channel? Really? So are you now saying you believe in God? When you go about doing your “deconstructing,” you are basing your deconstruction on some set of belief assumptions. Virtually everything you have said in all of your comments has been based on naturalistic beliefs – which are atheistic. Apparently you don’t even know what you believe.

@freddydavis5338 I have not given any false account of the Christian faith. You can interpret the Bible any way you want. That’s why there are thousands of denominations. But if you deny the virgin birth, the resurrection, and the second coming, you are not a Christian. Anyone denying that fact is either an idiot or a liar, and I don’t think you’re an idiot.

I know you got a hard on naturalism but I don’t care. I won’t engage in that waste of time because rational thought is not possible where superstitions are involved. Being able to rationalize a superstition is not the same thing.

I put my focus on the Conservative worldview more than the many superstitions it affects because it’s found in all the ancient cultures and is older than all the religions it helped to spawn. I don’t want to call them Conservatives, I’d prefer other words, but that’s what most of them call themselves. It’s a worldview that can only end with the destruction of our species and not all of them are Abrahamic end-time religions.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime SMH Do you realize you have used a lot of words but have not said anything? Did you even read my last comment?

What I said was, you have identified some Christian doctrines, but have left out the central core of the faith. The result is that you have not identified the essence of Christianity simply by identifying a few Christian doctrines. You really don’t understand Christianity, and your criticisms are based on false assertions. You make yourself appear very ignorant when you do that.

So, what you are saying is that you won’t engage on your own beliefs because it is a waste of time? That assumes one of two things: Either you don’t understand your own beliefs to be able to explain them, or you are arrogant to the point that you think everyone who doesn’t believe like you is not worthy of an explanation – that everyone but you thinks irrationally. I am trying to decide what I think about that. I’m more inclined toward the former since you have been unable throughout this entire conversation to justify why you think what you are saying is true.

Once again, there is no such thing as “the Conservative” worldview. A belief is conservative in relation to something else. You have not identified what you are talking about, so your comment is incomprehensible.

You are a troll.

@freddydavis5338 You have been responding to me the entire time, not the other way around. You have been trolling me and everything you have accused me of is nothing more than pure projection.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime You’re funny. You jumped on my site and started attacking, not the other way around. No one forced you to come after me. To boot, I have been rather specific regarding my beliefs and the reasons why your beliefs are false. You have done nothing but make unsupported assertions – which is exactly the tactics of a troll.

@freddydavis5338 The central core of the faith is that it is an end-time superstition. Deny it all you want it won’t change anything.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime That is simply not true. And by continuing to repeat that same falsehood, all you are doing is demonstrating your total lack of understanding of the Christian faith.

The central core of the Christian faith relates to how people can enter into an eternal personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The core is relationship. I know that is completely outside of your belief paradigm, but until you grasp that concept, you will continue to show your complete lack of knowledge and understanding.

@freddydavis5338 There are thousands of different denominations of the Christian religion and all of them are as convinced they are the only ones who got it right as you are. I have little doubt that you know there are churches that disagree with your position but ignore it because you think they are as wrong as they think the same about you. The whole thing looks like a convention of the intentionally deluded from my perspective.

I commented originally because algorithm thought I might be interested in your channel. I watched enough to know there was nothing new there. I made a comment that you would not let go of it and had to keep coming back for more. You have been projecting and trying to change the subject while denying or downplaying one of the key and most destructive tenets of all three Abrahamic religions the entire time.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime And once again you are showing your total lack of knowledge and understanding. In your attacks, you have totally failed to distinguish between essential Christian doctrines (which actually define the faith) and non-essential doctrines (which vary quite considerably but only define form, not essential substance). You honestly don’t know as much as you think you do. Where did you study theology? What degrees do you have? What worldview beliefs are you depending on to support your point of view? What specific evidence can you point to that demonstrates your beliefs are true and mine (or any others, for that matter) are not true? All you have done is attack and attack with nothing to back it up. If anyone is deluded, it is people who rail against things they literally do not understand based on beliefs they cannot support (which is you, BTW).

It really doesn’t matter why you jumped on my channel. The fact is, you did so and started attacking me. Why should I just sit back and allow someone who obviously has no idea what they are talking about dis me and my beliefs – especially without them being able to back up the attack? You are still asserting things that you don’t understand based on beliefs that you can’t support. So, until you are able to do that, you will continue to look like an uninformed novice – and you will continue to be the troll.

@freddydavis5338 That’s what you want your religion to be. You have to believe you are an immortal being for any of this to make sense. Admitting that the deity dreamed up by ancient Hebrews thousands of years ago would be a human-hating monster if it were real would turn you into a mere mortal who has wasted his life on an end-time superstition. I don’t envy that position at all, not one little bit.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Well, if that’s what you want your religion to be. You have to believe that you are not an immortal being for any of your comments to make sense. There simply is no logical explanation for the human condition based on your naturalistic point of view, and there is certainly nothing you have (or can) offer to back it up. You are just spouting your own personal, unsupported religious beliefs.

And, once again, you have totally mischaracterized the content of the Christian faith. Continuing to assert untruths will never make your beliefs about it true, and only serve to make you look uninformed. You are not describing biblical Christianity.

Furthermore, ancient Hebrews did not dream up the biblical understanding of God. God actually exists and He has objectively revealed Himself to mankind. And, once again (for about the zillionth time), your comments about “end-time superstition” are figments of your imagination. You are supposing things that you simply do not understand based on some stories that you somehow got in your head that you can’t even explain. There are numerous theories about the end-time, and none of them correspond to what you have been spouting. You are doing nothing but continuing your trolling, and making yourself look unknowledgable in the process.

@freddydavis5338 I don’t have a religion. You’re projecting again.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime LOL A religion is a set of beliefs a person holds by faith. Your problem is that you don’t even know how to define religion. How do you know that your naturalistic beliefs are true? Give me the science that proves it to be true. Oh yeah, I forgot. You are not willing to talk about that (because you can’t). Trolling is just in your blood, isn’t it?

@freddydavis5338 No superstitious throwback from the ancient world has the intellectual capacity to define my beliefs for me. I don’t need childish threats of hell or promises of immortality to be a decent human being and don’t trust anyone who does. I mean, there’s no way to know what people like that are capable of.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime Even though you think you are, you have not been defining the Christian faith. As such, when you talk about a “superstitious throwback,” you must be talking about some other religion. Would you mind explaining what that is and why you keep on projecting it on to Christianity? Also, I would like an explanation of how you know your beliefs are true.

I worry for you. Your delusions seem to be taking over your life. And, it seems to be driving your trolling.

@freddydavis5338 As if the Bible is proof of the supernatural. Give me a break. Without that you got nothing. Which means you got nothing.

Freddy Davis
@Alltime You still don’t understand. The Bible is not proof of the supernatural. God reveals Himself directly to those who are willing to open their lives to Him. The Bible only gives us knowledge of who He is as a person, what He is like, and how to know Him. Since He is an objectively real person, we can know and relate to Him person to person. Perhaps you might like to open your life to Him. You will never know Him until you are willing to do that.


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