You Are Being Rollinsed

There was Vanderbilt, then the University of Michigan, the University of Montana, Yale, Tufts, Hastings, the University of Buffalo and now a new one. Rollins College, in Winter Haven, Florida is the latest college to begin discriminating against Christian groups on campus which will not permit non-Christians into their leadership…
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Who Should be in the Game?

There are so many issues emerging in our culture today which directly challenge our Christian beliefs. Every day these challenges are becoming more blatant. Take for instance Massachusetts’ “Bathroom Bill.” Last June a new state law went into effect called the “Transgender Rights Law.” This was a law designed specifically…
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Legal Murder for Any Reason

Of course, they don’t call it murder – it is mercy killing. But not really even mercy killing. In fact, now, doctor-assisted suicide has moved to a place that is a bit hard to categorize. We have all heard the arguments of those who think terminally ill patients who are…
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